My Optimization Toolbox
If you look at nothing else on this page, these are the four that you should know about. I find myself recommending these products again and again, in emails and on blog posts. I use them because I’ve found they improve my performance and make me feel healthier, and I’m confident you’ll agree too.
I recommend EVERYONE adopt a daily breathing routine (this will be a game-changer). It can be as simple as two minutes of the energizing Wim Hof method or Dr. Weil’s stress-relieving 4-7-8. Go ahead, try it right now.
Get in nature, preferably barefoot. 15 minutes a day in sunshine on as much skin as you care to bare.
Spend a little time out of your comfort zone: sauna, cold shower, fast, talk to strangers, contrast therapy (to get started, complete the following 5-minute daily protocol in the shower: 10 sec warm, 20 sec cold, 10x through).
Walk. Lift. Run. Climb. Swim. Stretch. Move. Play. In Nature.
When things are going bad or become difficult, I tell myself “good“. Jocko Willink, a retired Navy SEAL, explains why. This will be the most motivating two minutes of your life. I watch it often.
A jump-start to your diet and overall wellbeing. The 28-Day Reset is a coached group program where we spend 21 days eating a whole-foods diet, 5 days fasting using the ProLon Fasting Mimicking Diet kit (fasting with food) and 2 days transitioning to a healthy lifestyle. Buy now and immediately get my 10 Tips for Completing an Extended Fast download and Dr. Longo’s book The Longevity Diet ($25 value).
Biohacking is the practice of changing our chemistry, our physiology and our environment through science and self-experimentation. I believe it goes beyond lifestyle and dietary changes; it’s using technology to help monitor, regulate, optimize and even enhance our physical and mental state. Biohacking typically makes something easier, more effective and/or more efficient.
I take Alpha BRAIN on days I need to present or speak in public. Try a bottle free. Just pay S&H.
I take a vial of B.LXR when I need quite focused time. Use code troy15 for 15% off.
I add a scoop of FOCUS to my morning coffee every morning. Use code TROY10 for 10% off.
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Oftentimes, I’ve worked out a discount for you. Please understand that I have experience with all of these products, and I only recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.