My focus for 2014 is to build and improve relationships with friends and family. Studies have linked strong social connectedness with measures as varied and dramatic as motor skill retention, cancer survival, general immune function, memory function preservation, and overall longevity. In contrast, social isolation has been connected with a higher risk for Alzheimer’s disease and heart disease. So, I decided to kick-off the New Year a little differently…
21 Days of Meditation
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment” – Possibly The Buddha
The votes are in. This February for My21DayX I’ll be meditating every day for 21 days. When I first found out that this was the next experiment, I thought, how boring. But as I began to research it, my anticipation skyrocketed.
If you join me, by the end of the 21 days, your life may be completely different – with hopes of being more relaxed, more optimistic and have developed a healthful habit (among a bunch of other possible positive outcomes).
How to Become the Master of Your Dreams
“Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious.”
– Thomas Edison
I can remember as a kid I would have this recurring dream where I would levitate my body and then fly through the sky, passing over buildings and people I knew. It was incredible and so vivid. Unfortunately, I haven’t had that dream for a really long time. But is it possible to bring it back?
From an evolutionary standpoint, we have to wonder why dreams have survived for so long – they must provide some type of survival mechanism.
Research is revealing insight into how dreams can actually make us healthier and more productive. Some research suggests, dreams are a way to work out problems and organize your memories. Think about how much information we process every day. We really don’t have the time or emotional strength to thoroughly process all this while we’re awake. Dreams allow us the opportunity to do just that. They act like a filing cabinet, organizing everything that went on in your day, allowing us to be more productive the following day. Interestingly, you can induce dreams to solve problems, influence nightmares, and even dream about a specific person or problem.
The Early Bird Gets the Worm…And Much More
What would you do if I could offer you an extra hour every day – fit in a workout, actually enjoy your breakfast, start a side business?
According to several studies, morning people tend to make more money, are more productive, healthier, leaner, live longer, and are happier and more satisfied with their lives.
Primal Experiment Lessons Learned
In December, for My21DayX my family and I attempted 21 days of a 100% Primal lifestyle. That meant a low carb, high fat diet and no grains along with a few other healthy lifestyle changes. It was mostly easy, as I’ve been living this way for about 2 years (with some exceptions here and there).
Here’s what I learned: