Feeling run-down and stressed-out? Does it seem you always catch whatever is going around? Stress is unavoidable, so I always try to do my best to be proactive in preparing my mind and body.
A little stress can actually help you. Using low-dose stressors can be a powerful way to improve your physical and mental health and resilience. Take Time Restricted Eating/Intermittent Fasting, HIIT and sauna as examples. These activities cause mild stress in the body, which, in turn can be beneficial. In animal studies, this hormetic stress has shown to increase resilience, delay most age-related physiological changes, help expand lifespan, and prevent or lessen the severity of cancer, stroke and other serious health problems.
One of the easiest and most effective ways to help the body adapt to stress is through the use of supplements and tonics such as magnesium, B-complex vitamins, L-theanine, melatonin, valerian, chamomile, and cannabidiol (CBD) and my favorite, adaptogens and functional mushrooms.
Adaptogens are herbal (plant or fungi based) tonics believed to increase resistance to all kinds of stress, confer balancing properties to energy, create a sense of well-being as well bolster your body’s natural defenses and potentially extend longevity.
New research is looking at how adaptogens may even help in treating chronic diseases, like respiratory and heart conditions. They work by “hacking” the stress response in the body, working in accordance with what your body needs at a given moment. By one view, they either stimulate, or calm, while reaching for ‘middle ground.’
Adaptogens have been studied in both animals and humans to offer:
- neuroprotective elements
- anti-fatigue properties
- antidepressive effects
- stimulant for central nervous system
And they increase mental work capacity, enhance attention, and prevent stress and fatigue.
Adaptogens and functional mushrooms are tools every health and longevity advocate should use.
You can take adaptogens indefinitely, but some herbalists suggest taking a two-week-long break every three months to help maintain the adaptogen’s effectiveness.
Here are my top four adaptogens and functional mushrooms and the benefits they each provide.
Rhodiola – An an herbal adaptogen that has been studied for its ability to increase resistance to chemical, biological, and physical stressors. One study investigated the effects of rhodiola extract in 101 people with life- and work-related stress. Participants were given 400 mg per day for four weeks. It found significant improvements in symptoms of stress, such as fatigue, exhaustion and anxiety, after just three days. These improvements continued throughout the study. I like Thorne’s Rhodiola.
Ashwaghanda – Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera, is an adaptogenic herb that belongs to the pepper family. In addition to lowering cortisol and anxiety in chronically stressed out individuals, Ashwagandha has also been shown to increase muscle mass, reduce body fat, and increase strength in men. It’s shown to increase natural killer cell activity and decrease markers of inflammation as well. I like Pure Encapsulation’s Ashwaghanda.
Matcha – From Camellia sinensis (tea-plant) comes the adaptogenic varieties of tea, including black, pu-erh, oolong, houjicha, and matcha green tea. Matcha green tea is one of the most potent teas with the highest amount of antioxidants, It can serve as an adaptable daily energizer that supports balanced inflammatory and endocrinologic factors, healthy weight, and the maintenance of cognitive, heart health to name a few. My favorite is Matcha Kari. Use code ANTIFRAGILE for 10% off.
Cacao – Cacao, or “food of the gods”, is the rawest form of chocolate. Cacao is a source of polyphenols, the same kinds of antioxidants found in red wine and green tea. The fat it contains is mostly stearic acid, which doesn’t raise cholesterol levels. It also contains compounds called flavonoids, which are good for the heart – they reduce the stickiness of platelets, inhibiting blood clotting and reducing the danger of heart attack. Drinking chocolate is associated with reduced blood pressure, improved blood vessel health and lowering LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and elevating HDL (“good”) cholesterol. Some evidence from Columbia University suggests that cocoa flavanols seem to lessen a particular type of age-related memory loss. My favorite source is Four Sigmatic’s Cacao with Reishi, a functional mushroom discussed below.
Functional Mushrooms
Functional mushrooms are mushrooms that offer health and wellness benefits, above and beyond the traditional white button mushroom. A few of my favorite are:
Chaga – Known to some as “The King of Mushrooms”, Chaga is loaded with antioxidant properties to support your immune system and overall wellbeing. It’s also been found to boost immunity, prevent chronic inflammation, fight cancer, lower blood sugar levels and reduce cholesterol. I like Four Sigmatic’s Chaga Elixir.
Cordyceps – Cordyceps are most commonly used for athletic performance, to support stamina and endurance. I like Four Sigmatic’s Cordyceps Elixir.
Lion’s Mane – Known as your brain’s best friend, Lion’s Mane was long used by Buddhist monks to help focus during meditation. I love it for creativity and productivity during busy work days. I like Four Sigmatic’s Lions Mane Elixir.
Reishi – Need to chill out? Try reishi. Known as “The Queen of Mushrooms”, it has the ability to support occasional stress and restful sleep, and it’s great to add to your nightly ritual. I like Four Sigmatic’s Reishi Elixir.
My Healthiest Drink
Believe it or not, my morning coffee is probably the healthiest meal I have during the day. It’s how I integrate all of these beneficial ingredients into my day and elevate my morning.
I start with Purity Coffee, the highest quality coffee I’ve come across. It has been tested to contain the highest amount of antioxidants and none of the toxins found in commercial coffees like mycotoxins and mold.
I then add some of the highest quality drinking cacao, loaded with even more antioxidants and polyphenols.
Last, I add a small scoop of functional mushrooms and adaptogens, but I select my blend based on my goals for that morning.
- Four Sigmatic’s THINK on work days. This is a blend of 8 smart ingredients to boost brainpower and focus.
- Four Sigmatic’s DEFEND on weekends or in tandem with THINK. This is a blend of 10 functional mushrooms.
Top with non-dairy whipped cream and Ceylon cinnamon, which makes it taste even more amazing!
I end my day with a mug of Kettle & Fire bone broth with Four Sigmatic’s BALANCE, a blend of some of the best adaptogens.
Four Sigmatic has amazing Elixirs and Blends. Use code TROY10 for 10% off. SHOP HERE

Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Oftentimes, I’ve worked out a discount for you. Please understand that I have experience with all of these products, and I only recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
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