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I’ve been enjoying my chest freezer cold plunge for a little over three years now. This article is a follow-up to my extremely popular article and video How to Build a Chest Freezer Ice Bath. It includes some upgrades I’ve made since setting up my cold plunge, some best practices I’ve learned and implemented, along with my current plunge routine and how to maximize the time spent in the cold.
Table of Contents
Protection from the Elements
First, I moved it from my back patio to inside the garage. This not only protects it from the elements it was also a request from my wife who didn’t want it on the patio anymore. I still have a good view of nature though which is important from a stress-response perspective. It’s also closer to my sauna which makes contrast therapy much more convenient. I no longer have to walk from my garage in the front of the house to the back patio.
The next biggest upgrade I made was adding an ozone generator for better sanitation. It’s a bit of an investment but I no longer have to add hydrogen peroxide and it keeps the water clean for over 6 months. Plus, it’s a nice piece of mind knowing that when I dip my head under, I’m not going to get sick from any viruses or bacteria.
I went with the JED 203 Ozone Generator. The JED 203 is a corona discharge “CD” ozone generator designed for water purification in residential hot tubs, small pools, fountains, cisterns and water tanks. I have it connected to a timer so that it turns on one hour every day, ensuring that the water is sanitized daily.
You always, always, ALWAYS want to unplug your freezer before getting in but there’s always that possibility of forgetting to. That’s why I’ve mistake proofed it, meaning I literally can’t open the lid fully without unplugging the freezer to close the outlet cover.
The outlet cover, which is fully closed before I get in, also prevents any water from splashing into the outlet.
Variable Temperature
I use the Inkbird Digital Thermostat to control when the freezer turns on. I have the temperature range set between 34-38 degrees. If it goes above this, the thermostat will turn the freezer on. This means that anytime I get in, the temperature could be anywhere between that range. This not only saves electricity, it also prevents your body from adapting to one specific temperature.
Therapeutic Water
The idea behind making “therapeutic water” might seem woo woo and may not be for everybody. The idea is to get sitting, “dead” water closer to it’s natural, “living” state, just like what you would find in an ocean, stream or lake. The closer to nature, most likely the more therapeutic for mind and body.
If you think about how water exists in nature, it’s moving, never stagnant, it’s filled with minerals and it’s grounded, connected to the Earth. I’ve brought my cold plunge water closer to its natural state with several upgrades.
Grounded Water. Grounding your water is a game-changer. Submerging under grounded water (like an ocean or lake) is 10-20 times more powerful than simply walking barefoot on the Earth.
All living creatures throughout time have existed grounded to the earth and the harmonizing rhythms of the Schumann Resonance through their physical contact with the ground. Modern insulated lifestyles—from rubber soled shoes to living primarily indoors—interrupt our body’s ability to connect with the Earth, a fixed reference point to help tell time and normalize the biological rhythms of the body. Grounding allows for efficient electron flow between the skin and the earth.
The electrons gained by earthing act like an antioxidant to fight free radicals and oxidation in the body. This benefits the inflammatory response which helps with recovery of both newly formed wounds as well as the many types of chronic pain, such as arthritis.
By reducing inflammation, earthing can help speed recovery, increase cognition, and reduce chronic pain.
Tour de France athletes have been using grounding sleeping bags during competitions for years. By sleeping in these ‘grounded cocoons’ each night, the athletes experience accelerated tissue repair and wound healing, and wake up refreshed and ready to compete in the next leg of the race, averaging 105 miles a day! The athletes utilizing grounding therapy report better sleep, less pain, more energy, and faster recovery on a consistent basis.
As Brian Hoyer, a world-renowned electro magnetic field (EMF) specialist and founder of Shielded Healing describes in the video below, a grounded cold plunge can provide the same therapeutic benefits as you would get from grounding in nature.
I was fortunate to have a grounding rod in the wall behind my chest freezer. I simply attached a copper wire to the rod and ran it into the water.

Ozone generator tube, filter cord, temperature cord and copper grounding cable
I also keep a harmonizer in the water which contains quartzes, tourmaline, shungite, zeolite, bentonite, selenite, rare earth minerals and sea minerals that represent virtually all elements of the periodic table. These elements and minerals supposedly (I’m not completely sold on this) emit subtle natural electromagnetic energies that are harvested by the body for cleaning, feeding and protecting every cell which can lead to increased energy, a calming effect, improved sleep and pain relief.
Therapeutic Salt. I add eight pounds of magnesium flakes and ten pounds of Dead Sea salt to the water. This not only prevents ice from forming and keeps the water clean, it also has therapeutic qualities such as relieving muscle aches, pains and tension, softens skin and is a rich source of important essential minerals like magnesium, potassium and calcium. IMPORTANT: Once I get out of the ice bath, I allow the water to dry on my skin to ensure maximum absorption of the minerals.
I like Ancient Minerals magnesium flakes (magnesium chloride) because it’s harvested from the Ancient Zechstein Seabed in Europe, 1600-2000 meters deep in the earth making it ultra pure. Many magnesium salts have impurities which will eventually build up in your freezer and get absorbed through your skin.

If you really want to revitalize and optimize your cold plunge solution, I recommend adding one bag of Vitality Magnesium Salts (use code TROY for 10% off). In addition to magnesium, the sodium ascorbate in the blend will neutralize any toxic chemicals like chlorine or fluoride that may be in your cold plunge water, within five minutes. Their salt is also blasted with infoceuticals which are powerful grounding and healing frequencies to accelerate recovery and sensations of peace during and post-plunge. It’s pricey but all you need is one bag. Sounds woo-woo but it works.
Moving Water. Last, my cold plunge water is constantly moving by running my Marineland Magnum Filter 24/7. I only unplug it right before I get in. Moving water is better aerated, which infuses the water with oxygen.
As the Ice Man himself says, “Breathe Motherf*cker.” I added a breathing stone that I focus on when I go through my different breathing protocols. You can read more about my breathing routine here.

Cold plunging is my liquid therapy so I added a decal to remind myself daily how great I’ll feel after I get out! You can purchase Liquid Therapy decals here.
I recommend reading my article, How to Enhance the Benefits of Cold Thermogenesis which includes my current cold exposure routine.
- JED 203 Ozone Generator
- Timer for Ozone Generator
- Marineland Magnum Filter
- Outlet cover
- Inkbird Digital Thermostat
- Ancient Minerals magnesium flakes
- Dead Sea Salt
- Vitality Magnesium Salts (use code TROY for 10% off).
- Meditation Stone
- Liquid Therapy decal
- The Ultimate Chest Freezer Cold Plunge DIY Guide (e-Book) – If you want a step-by-step guide to build your cold plunge the RIGHT way, I highly recommend this book.
- My ebook Exposure 101 Heat & Cold Guidebook
- How I Built My Chest Freezer Ice Bath
- How to Properly Clean a Chest Freezer Cold Plunge, Step-by-Step
- How to Enhance the Benefits of Cold Thermogenesis
- My Review of the Jacuzzi Clearlight Sanctuary Y Infrared Sauna
- How to Hack Your Sauna Experience for Increased Benefits
- The Ultimate Chest Freezer Cold Plunge DIY Guide (e-Book) – If you want a step-by-step guide to build your cold plunge the RIGHT way, I highly recommend this book.
Disclosure: Please note that some of the links above are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to make a purchase. Oftentimes, I’ve worked out a discount for you. Please understand that I have experience with all of these products, and I only recommend them because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions I make if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.
Wonderful. So many helpful tips. Thanks. Mark. Australia
Thank you!
Have you had any issues with the copper wire oxidizing – especially with the ozone running – and turning water a tinge of green?
No issues at all
Can you provide some sources for a harmonizer rod that is similar to one you use? Thanks